EAA members raise over €1.2 billion for Ukraine

The Ukraine appeals launched one year ago by members of the Emergency Appeals Alliance (EAA) have now collectively raised over €1.2 billion and reached millions of people with urgently needed humanitarian assistance.
This huge amount has been donated by community groups, companies, foundations and above all millions of individual donors from the public. In 13 countries across Europe, Japan, Canada and Australia we have seen enormous mobilisation of resources by EAA members to raise funds for people impacted by the conflict in Ukraine.
From providing food to families in bomb shelters to helping refugee children overcome traumatic experience, charities funded by EAA members are supporting the local aid effort in seven countries to deliver a fast, effective and flexible response.
Appeal funds have been fast and flexible, enabling EAA member charities and their networks of trusted local partners to adapt quickly to support those most needing help in an everchanging environment. These funds have had a multiplier effect, empowering local people and strengthening partner organisations.
In the first seven days of the conflict, the world saw more than one million people flee Ukraine, with 3.6 million leaving the country in the first month – the largest movement of people in Europe since the Second World War. Mostly women and children, they arrived often cold, traumatised and with nowhere to go.
EAA member charities helped with the most pressing needs of food, warm clothes and basic items such as toothbrushes and nappies at border crossings and reception centres, and sorted out temporary and longer-term accommodation. Later, cash payments allowed refugees to choose to buy what they needed.
EAA member charities and their partners have also contributed to preventing large-scale exploitation of vulnerable groups throughout the crisis by providing protection services, supporting the tracking and registration of new arrivals and referring people for further support.
The majority (around two thirds) of EAA member funds have been spent inside Ukraine itself, where needs are greatest and change rapidly: people fleeing the country have also been supported in neighbouring countries of Poland, Romania, Moldova and Hungry as well as in Germany and Switzerland as they seek safety and try to rebuild their lives further afield.
Saleh Saeed, Chair of the EAA and Chief Executive of the UK’s Disasters Emergency Committee, said:
“The phenomenal power of joint national fundraising appeals has been demonstrated once again by members of the Emergency Appeals Alliance, who mobilised so quickly around the world in response to the terrible events unfolding in Ukraine just one year ago. To raise €1.2 billion across our 13 countries and reach millions of people is a remarkable achievement: EAA members are uniquely placed to launch fast, effective fundraising appeals and – crucially – to oversee rapid deployment of professional humanitarian aid with the breadth, depth and flexibility required in emergency responses, making sure our member charities spend funds appropriately and transparently.
I would like to pay tribute to the incredible bravery and commitment of the aid workers and volunteers on the ground, most of whom are themselves from Ukraine, who have continued their hugely important work in extremely difficult conditions, making a real difference to the lives of so many.
This crisis is far from over. And it will take years to repair, even when peace does eventually come. But, thanks to the public’s generosity and solidarity, funds donated to EAA members mean that we’ll be able to keep providing support to those affected, and responding to changing needs on the ground as the situation unfolds.”
Find out more about EAA members:
Aktion Deutschland Hilft, Germany https://www.aktion-deutschland-hilft.de/
Alliance Urgences, France https://www.allianceurgences.org/
Comité de Emergencia, Spain https://www.comiteemergencia.org/
Disasters Emergency Committee, United Kingdom https://www.dec.org.uk/
Emergency Action Alliance, Australia https://emergencyaction.org.au/
Giro555, Netherlands https://giro555.nl/
Humanitarian Coalition, Canada https://www.humanitariancoalition.ca/
Irish Emergency Alliance, Ireland https://irishemergencyalliance.org/
Japan Platform, Japan https://www.japanplatform.org/
Nachbar in Not Austria https://nachbarinnot.orf.at/
Radiohjälpen, Sweden https://www.radiohjalpen.se/
Swiss Solidarity Switzerland https://www.swiss-solidarity.org/
About the EAA
The Emergency Appeals Alliance is a unique global partnership which unites thirteen national joint appeal organisations in a common purpose. Our mission is to share knowledge and resources to enable our members to increase the funds they raise for overseas emergencies and ensure this money is spent effectively.
The EAA works to champion the highest standards of humanitarian practice and public accountability. It strives to enhance the membership of existing alliance members and also assist the development of potential new joint appeal organisations in other countries. Current members include Austria, Belgium, Canada, Germany, The Netherlands, Japan, Switzerland and the United Kingdom with Observer Members in Australia, France, Ireland, Spain and Sweden; and a newly formed group in New Zealand. The EAA is a Stichting registered in the Netherlands.
Photo: George Calin/DEC
The photograph shows Yulia* (7) with her art, at a hotel providing temporary accommodation for Ukrainian refugees run by CAFOD partner JRS, Bucharest, Romania.
Her mother Elena* is a journalist and news presenter in Ukraine. But right now, she is living in a hotel that has been repurposed by CAFOD partner JRS to house Ukrainian refugees (not DEC funded). Elena, a refugee herself works with the project to deliver activities for the children living in the hotel.
She says that when the children were first given a whole range of colour paints they would only use the yellow and blue, the colours of Ukraine, but gradually they are adding in more colours and she thinks that is a good sign.
“When I came to Romania, JRS provided a flat and food and the money for my needs. I wanted to cry because I didn’t believe it could be like that.”
*Names have been changed for security reasons.
Uppdaterad 2023-02-24

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