EAA members raise over €150 million for Syria and Turkey

Publicerad 2023-02-14
RS18195 RS40311 SNAN3384
Photo: Turkish Red Crescent

The world has rallied round in an incredible show of support for survivors of the earthquakes in Syria and Turkey through generous donations to members of the Emergency Appeals Alliance (EAA) Syria and Turkey Earthquake Appeals: collectively, this has raised over €150 million in one week.

Across 13 countries in Europe, Canada, Japan and Australia, joint fundraising appeals have been launched on behalf of the world’s largest and most impactful humanitarian organisations – representing over 150 national charities and NGOs – combining resources to raise funds quickly and efficiently.

Two major earthquakes struck south-eastern Turkey near the border with Syria on Monday 6 February 2023. Over 33,000 people are dead and many more are injured. Thousands of buildings, including hospitals and schools, have collapsed and infrastructure has been badly damaged.

One week after the first earthquake struck while people slept, the focus is on the growing humanitarian needs of the 17 million people in the affected area. Many people have been left without shelter in freezing winter conditions, and food and clean water is needed.

According to the Turkish government, 380,000 people have sought refuge in government shelters or hotels. Buildings have also collapsed in north-west Syria where many people have fled from conflict in the country and medical facilities are limited.

Immediate priorities are search and rescue, providing medical treatment for the injured, shelter for those who have lost their homes, as well as blankets, warm clothes and heaters for safe spaces. They are also ensuring people have enough food and clean water.

Saleh Saeed, Chair of the EAA and Chief Executive of the UK’s Disasters Emergency Committee, said:

“I am tremendously grateful to all the people who have already donated to the Syria and Turkey Earthquake Appeals launched by national EAA members, who are uniquely placed to respond quickly and ensure funds reach those most in need.

“The stories we are now hearing from the survivors who have managed to escape the ruins of flattened and crumpled buildings without shoes and coats in the depths of winter are desperately sad. It is hard to grasp what they and their families are going through.

“But what we do know is that help is already being delivered by our member charities and their local partners, using funds donated to these appeals.”

All EAA members have active Syria and Turkey Earthquake Appeals:

Aktion Deutschland Hilft, Germany, www.aktion-deutschland-hilft.de

Alliance Urgences, France, www.allianceurgences.org

Comité de Emergencia, Spain, www.comiteemergencia.org

Consortium 12-12, Belgium, www.1212.be

Disasters Emergency Committee, United Kingdom, www.dec.org.uk

Emergency Action Alliance, Australia, https://emergencyaction.org.au

Giro555, Netherlands, www.giro555.nl

Humanitarian Coalition, Canada, www.humanitariancoalition.ca

Irish Emergency Alliance, Ireland, www.irishemergencyalliance.org

Japan Platform, Japan, www.japanplatform.org

Nachbar in Not, Austria, www.nachbarinnot.orf.at

Radiohjälpen, Sweden, www.radiohjalpen.se

Swiss Solidarity, Switzerland, www.swiss-solidarity.org

About the EAA


The Emergency Appeals Alliance is a unique global partnership which unites thirteen national joint appeal organisations in a common purpose. Our mission is to share knowledge and resources to enable our members to increase the funds they raise for overseas emergencies and ensure this money is spent effectively.

The EAA works to champion the highest standards of humanitarian practice and public accountability. It strives to enhance the membership of existing alliance members and also assist the development of potential new joint appeal organisations in other countries. Current members include Austria, Belgium, Canada, Germany, The Netherlands, Japan, Switzerland and the United Kingdom with Observer Members in Australia, France, Ireland, Spain and Sweden; and a newly formed group in New Zealand. The EAA is a Stichting registered in the Netherlands.

Läs mer om Katastrofer
Publicerad 2023-02-14
Uppdaterad 2023-02-14


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